Three Publications, One Family.

Collegian Media Group shares the stories of Kansas State University and Manhattan with communities on and off campus.

  • National Pacemaker Finalist Awards

    Both the Manhappenin’ magazine and Collegian newspaper won Pacemaker Finalist awards for best student  publications in the country, in their respective categories for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Pacemaker is  considered the Pulitzer Prize of college journalism. The awards were…

  • Collegian Media Group Director, Ira David Levy, Presented with Top 100 Pioneer Adviser Award 

    At a breakfast at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., the Collegian Media Group’s Director, Ira David  Levy, was presented with a Pioneer Award by the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) on Friday, Oct. 28.  Founded 101 years ago, ACP…