NOMINATE a former Collegian Media Group staff member for a CMG Hall of Fame award.
Your recognition of an individual helps CMG to connect and honor generations of students who sustain the organization’s legacy of servicing K-State and its local community and continue to do so today.
To show our appreciation for nominating someone, we will send you:
- a special book titled Reawakening. The beautifully illustrated hard-cover book commemorating K-State’s perseverance during the COVID-19 pandemic (a $25) value.
- a copy of the national award-winning 2024 Royal Purple yearbook (a $50 value).
- a free subscription to The Collegian newspaper for one year.
Nominees must have graduated or departed the Collegian Media Group in 2014 or earlier.
To begin the nomination process, and learn more, please click here!
On behalf of our students and the Collegian Media Group Board, thank you so much for nominating a CMG Hall of Famer.
In addition to the nomination form, please submit these documents:
- Executive Summary (one page maximum)
- List of career highlights that include:
- Community/service contributions (local, state, national and/or international)
- Commitment to Kansas State University
- Other notable achievements
- Narrative for Nomination (two page maximum) that expands on executive summary, highlighting how the nominee’s lifetime achievements have impacted Kansas State University, their professional field, community, or society.
- Awards received.
- Any supporting documents: published magazine and newspaper articles, or one-page letters of support (two letters of support maximum).