The next generation of journalists is putting its education to practice here at The Collegian, the Royal Purple and Manhappenin’ magazine. Students from across campus staff our publications’ offices to report and edit the news, to sell and create advertisements, and to learn new media skills.

You can help them succeed. Collegian Media Group awards student scholarships every year, most of which is funded by generous donations from our friends. Our ability to reward our best student staffers, to bring in successful professionals for intensive workshops, and even to upgrade hardware and software is a direct result of your tax-deductible gift.

Like gifts for scholarships, your financial support for our operating budget is tax-deductible. We’re looking to grow in the areas of video journalism and on-line newsgathering, both of which require electronic equipment we’ve never had to purchase before. That’s why we’ve come up with the Digital Initiative.

The Digital Initiative is a key to our success because moving the Collegian, the Royal Purple and the Manhappenin’ fully into the digital age will help keep our publications relevant. Student editors are dedicated to the task and the hardware and software to make the transition, one that changes constantly as our readers’ use of the internet expands.

Will you help us reach this important new level of success? Contact Collegian Media Group Director David Levy for more information.

The newspaper, yearbook and magazine are part of Collegian Media Group, a private business that receives no funding from the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communication. A portion of its income comes from student fees, but our student sales staff brings in the majority of our revenue.

If your employer offers matching gifts, please ask to have yours matched. We would be glad to visit with you about including Collegian Media Group in your estate plans.