Collegian Media Group Director, Ira David Levy, Presented with Top 100 Pioneer Adviser Award 

At a breakfast at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., the Collegian Media Group’s Director, Ira David  Levy, was presented with a Pioneer Award by the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) on Friday, Oct. 28. 

Founded 101 years ago, ACP is the nation’s largest organization of collegiate journalists and collegiate-journalism  advisers. ACP advances journalism and media “as a vital cultural force by connecting advisers, students and  professionals through national events and competitions.” The organization defines global standards and ethical  practices and “establishes criteria for journalism education that meet the needs of the profession.” 

Levy was also recognized Friday afternoon in front of 1500 students and advisers attending the national MediaFest  2022 conference. “The Pioneer Award is being given to a highly exclusive number of advisers who have gone above  and beyond their duties and support of ACP over the course of 100 years,” ACP’s director, Laura Widmer, said. 

The Pioneer Award recognizes “significant contributions to collegiate publications and media programs and is  considered ACP’s “highest honor to journalism educators.” 

David Levy started advising student media in 1995 at Wright College, in Chicago, where he built the entire  journalism program from scratch. Between 2018 and 2020 he served as the online, print and broadcast news adviser  at Appalachian State University and joined the Collegian Media Group in July 2020. Levy told ACP, “Working with  young people every day brings me the most joy, and ACP’s unyielding support and resources have provided my students with the tools and pillars they need to succeed.” 

“While I feel honored by the recognition,” Levy added, “we still have a lot more work to do here.” 

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