Three Publications, One Family.
Collegian Media Group shares the stories of Kansas State University and Manhattan with communities on and off campus.
CMG Hall of Fame

Honoring generations of students who sustain the organization’s legacy of serving K-State and its local community and continue to do so today.
National Pacemaker Finalist Awards
Both the Manhappenin’ magazine and Collegian newspaper won Pacemaker Finalist awards for best student publications in the country, in their respective categories for the 2021-2022 academic year. The Pacemaker is considered the Pulitzer Prize of college journalism. The awards were…
Collegian Media Group Director, Ira David Levy, Presented with Top 100 Pioneer Adviser Award
At a breakfast at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., the Collegian Media Group’s Director, Ira David Levy, was presented with a Pioneer Award by the Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) on Friday, Oct. 28. Founded 101 years ago, ACP…